Vidres Berni S.L.

Mirador Torre Glòries


Project type: Museography

Production: BigGrup

Design Museography: Mediapro exhibitions

Place: Mirador Torre Glòries

Pictures: Xavier Roma Buixeda

The new Mirador Torre Glòries in Barcelona opens in May 2022 as a double observatory of the city.

First of all as an exceptional viewpoint due to its height of 125 meters and because it offers 360º views of the entire city.

And at the same time, as an observatory of the city as if it was a living organism in constant transformation.

Within the museum project and as an exponent of this living organism, there are 132 paper sculptures that represent many of the living species that inhabit the city. These sculptures are inside five-sided, machined low iron optical glass showcases that Vidres Berni has manufactured in collaboration with the Big Grup team and that are located in one of the areas of the basement of the tower

glass cases
vidre òptic low iron templat
vitrinas cristal
vitrines vidre òptic


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